There are various different packages available on request depending
on the individual sponsors requirements.

A basic tour consists of 9 Presentation a week Monday-Friday
(excluding Friday afternoon) or 2 Presentations per day. Shows last
approximately 75 minutes long and are usually
School 1 AM - School 2 PM
School 1 AM Year 7 - School 1 PM Year 8

The presentation is aimed at years 5,6,7&8 in England, Wales and NI
and years P5,P6,P7 and S1 in Scotland. The show is NOT suitable for
any other year groups and would usually take place in a school
assembly hall or drama theatre to between 100 and 600 Students,
but can be adapted for a larger audiences (must be discussed in advance).

The presentation is very interactive and 12 prizes are given out to 
students in reward for using their talents. These prizes can be supplied
 by the Natural High Schools Programme or can be sourced directly by a 
sponsor. If supplied by the Natural High Schools Tour with notification
in advance these prizes will be tour relating and can include Natural High
Tote Bags, Conference Bags, T-shirts, Radios, Bugs, CDs, Organizers, Calculators.

Packages can also include Teacher Evaluations (advisable) and Full Tour Evaluations (including Student, Visitor, Teacher, Media etc)

Additional Costs - Natural High Tour Cards
Please Click Here to see recent examples

If you would like to come along and see a Natural High Presentation then
schedules from a full academic diary can be sent on request as attendance is by
invitation only (due to school policies)- Please email to receive a full schedule - 


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