Superb, lively and enthusiastic, well done! The students thought it was good, wicked, mint, the message was excellent. Blurton High School

 The presentation grabbed the students attention, I liked the combination of loud and listening. It was more vibrant than I had expected, well worthwhile, excellent presentation, ace. Blurton High School

Very appropriate, engaging and enjoyable, BRILLIANT! Even our most difficult pupils (EBD for example) were really engaged, they are a group that are at highest risk, so it was especially important for them and it worked. David was very professional and easily adapted to our school situation. The presentation was relevant, clear and enjoyable. Abbey Hill School

 Superb presentation, absolutely superb interaction, great message. Students thought it was excellent, brilliant and perfect. Abbey Hill School

 Absolutely Fabulous! All students thoroughly enjoyed the performance, the teachers were very impressed, thank you. Thistley Hough High School

 The presentation was more than I expected, it was fun and entertaining and the pupils enjoyed it and were focused on the message a lot of the time.
Thistley Hough High School

David had full control of the year group from the moment he started, the presentation was better than I expected. I worried about the pupils being out of control, but the performance was inspirational, educational and relevant to all students and staff. The teachers thought that the show was outstanding and it kept the students focused throughout. I would most definitely recommend this presentations to other schools, please return to our school next year and many years to come. Berry Hill High School

This was actually even better than I expected, it was great to see some of our less motivated students joining in and learning. Enjoyed immensely by all.
Berry Hill High School

Such pupil involvement was not expected, but was well controlled by David. Excellent in all respects and well enjoyed by all. Berry Hill High School

 I liked the personal stories, the presentation was really enjoyable and excellent in all respects. Brownhills High School

 David found it easy to manage the pupils which must mean they were enjoying it, were focused and learning, they were enthusiastic and keen to participate.
Brownhills High School

Better than my expectations, the presentation was also well received by the year 10 drama students attending. Very well received by all and extremely well presented, the students were very enthusiastic and stayed engaged. Birches Head High School

 The presentation was very energetic and better than I expected. Birches Head High School

 Excellent in all respects. Aynsley Special School

 The help lines card which could be used for bowling too was a great idea. The teachers found the presentation lively, fun, informative and structured, the students enjoyed it and some I spoke to afterwards said “we don’t usually get taught like this. Longton High School

 David’s performance was outstanding, I am running a health day to follow this a tremendous starting point. Better than expected, David need to be employed by Stoke on an annual basis – please! The presentation complemented both our PSHE and citizenship needs and everything I am trying to achieve with our programme and more. A very, very positive role model, brilliant for our year 7 & 8, totally the right age group. High message and supported all my preparations, an excellent multi-media presentation by a very talented person, an excellent message got over to some very difficult kids. All of the health team teachers were up off their feet  clapping their hands high in the air. A special day has had a really positive start. I would most definitely recommend this presentation to other schools, if it is not funded by Stoke Education I will still make sure he comes back next year.  Sandon High School



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