David is a very good performer and ideal for this presentation. I knew that reports were good and it lived up to my expectations, very lively and interesting. The music and competitions were a bonus and fired up the pupils who really enjoyed it.
Head of PHSCE -
Park Middle School - Biddulph

Super presentation, got the point across, fun, enjoyable, exciting, good for all abilities, a day they’ll remember. Better than I expected with all students actively involved. The presentation complemented our PHSE and Citizenship needs covering several aspects – anti drug, litter, working together, fun, family. I would certainly recommend this presentation to other schools, super! Park Middle School - Biddulph

 Excellent pace, kept the children interested and involved, good rapport with students. Covered a lot – drug awareness, self esteem and team work. Teachers thought the presentation was very good, entertaining but also informative. The students all got actively involved same time next year.
Park Middle School - Biddulph

 Very energetic, lots of information packed in, the students responded very positively and really took in the message. David was excellent at energising and involving the students, all very positive, great, really enjoyable – well worthwhile. Head of Lower School – Blythe Bridge High School

 The presentation was mindful of school requirements to control the pupils, it raised them up and then calmed them down, not easy! It was better than I expected, far more engaging. Cheadle High School

 Exceeded my expectations, I have been to a lot of these activities and I was impressed by the message and delivery. Excellent in respects.
Cheadle High School

Exceeded my expectations, fresh, succinct coverage of issues without over dressing the message – excellent response. Fabulous and very enthusiastic, I would without a doubt recommend this presentation to other schools. Woodhouse Middle School

 Far better than I expected, professionalism reinforcing everything we teach. Each element fitted like a jigsaw, totally worthwhile experience, student were totally enthusiastic. Woodhouse Middle School

Very lively and enthusiastic, exceeded my expectations, everybody was interested and joined in. the young people clearly enjoyed the competitiveness and the performance whilst taking on board the drug awareness message. The teachers took pleasure from seeing the pupils enjoying themselves and the students joined in well. Endon High School

An excellent session, very accessible to the pupils, proactive, catching them early. Very enthusiastic. Endon High School

 Excellent presentation, well organised and very professional. Probably was above my expectations, presented topics in an engaging and fun manner. Year 7 particularly enjoyed their presentation all pupils had fun and will remember today for a long time. Teachers were very impressed with the whole presentation, the students enjoyed it immensely and had great fun. Endon High School

 Thank you for bringing the kids back down at the end of the show, staff were very impressed – nice touch. This was far better than I expected, I liked the sport aspect. The kids clearly got the message and we all had a ball, excellent, very positive. Moorside High School



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